“I can highly recommend the TRE programme with Clare Kuiper as a facilitator. Her beautiful setup and knowledge of the treatment allow for a comfortable and professional healing experience. TRE helped me with both mental and physical states, relaxing my muscles and releasing stress from my body. I completed the course and have since been using TRE on a regular basis to maintain the beneficial elements from Clare’s programme.”
— Lucy MacDonald
“Before I started TRE I was a highly anxious person and had randon unexplained panic attacks. I wasn’t panicking about anything in particular, but a sudden wave of fear would come over me and it was uncontrollable and of course irrational. I was then introduced to TRE by Clare. After a session of just 20 minutes, I felt like a different person – calmer and more grounded. Now after doing it for 2 years, as soon as I feel that anxiety starting (which is now very rare) I just do a quick shake and I immediately feel more relaxed. It also helps me when I’m feeling angry or sad to calm down and get a bit of perspective. I did TRE throughout my pregnancy, which was very beneficial. I would highly recommend it to everyone and not just people with anxiety as everyone goes through tough times in their life and this is an incredible tool to help you through it. ”
— Tessa Moffat
“The greatest change and improvement I have enjoyed since doing TRE is that I sleep better. I always snored, I always woke up from sleep apnea and most mornings I would wake up with a sore back. This has all changed and improved. I sleep right through the night and my body feels more energised for the day. The positive change to my mind-set and my approach to managing my day has made a significant difference to managing stress levels and difficult situations. I approach everything more open minded.
A few years ago I was held up in my farm house and have always suffered from nightmares. Since doing TRE, these have almost dissipated.
I haven’t had hay fever for 3 years and my breathing has improved dramatically. This had a direct impact on doing exercises and keeping fit. My entire body feels better. All active people should be practising TRE.
I have battled with a knee injury for almost 10 years and would feel uncomfortable even whilst driving long distances. This pain has completely gone.
If your feet feel sore after doing TRE then I would recommend a foot cleanse. You will be amazed how this will change how your body feel. I would recommend this to everyone who would like to deal with physical and emotional aspects holding them back in life. ”
— Richard Rose
“I can highly recommend TRE to anybody who suffers from broken sleep. I now do TRE once or twice a week for 10-15 minutes before going to bed and find that I sleep like a baby. What could be better?”